Friday, March 27, 2020

Home Work Essay: How to improve English skills

How to improve English skills

When students learn English, they want to be able to communicate with native speakers. That is, they must be able to listen, to speak, to read, and to write with them. To master these four skills efficiently, they cannot rely on only Thai teachers teaching English. Many things should be done in order to improve their English skills. Therefore, there are two guidelines for any student who wants to achieve these goals. They should study English with native speakers of English. They should be devoting much time and effort on learning and understanding all systems of rules, and practicing very often in the daily life conversation.

For the first guideline, it will be very lucky if any student has a good start learning English with the native speakers, since he or she can have early opportunity to listen and speak the correct accents. Otherwise, his or her accents will be influenced by the mother tongue or the Thai language. Therefore, good model is necessary for his or her imitation. In case that there is no chance to have a native speaker, that person must listen to the conversations from tapes with the scripts every day. When the time passes by, that person can gradually pick up correct pronunciations, words, phrases and sentences.

As for the second guideline, that person must spend time and effort on learning and memorizing all kinds of rules so that that person knows the content of the English language. This includes the understanding the English phonological system, morphological system and the grammatical systems. To master all of these aspects, it is very time-consuming and it requires regular attention so that this knowledge is developed unconsciously. That person should spend much time on reading available textbooks and materials in addition to learning from the native speakers.

The above paragraphs describe the two guidelines that a person should do in order to improve his or her English skills. The first is that the person should learn the correct accents from the native speakers. The second is that the person must spend time and effort in acquiring the content of the English language.

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