Sunday, April 5, 2020

Working in a Big Company or having Own Business

Working in a Big Company or having Own Business

          When it comes to occupations, there are two kind of people: the owner and the worker. Some people like working for a big company, while other people like owning their own business. There are advantages and disadvantages for both owning business or working for big company. Many people prefer to work in a big company, but they still have to work under pressure.Similarly, starting your own business can have many benefits, but keep in mind that not all business will be successful. Nevertheless, there are more advantages to having your own business than working for big company.

          The first advantage is that you are in charge. As a business owner, you are in charge and accountable only to yourself, you answer to no one and you make all the decisions. You can work as many hours as you like and you don’t need to ask for permission if you want to take a break. Depending on the type of business, you may be able to work from anywhere such as your home, office, coffee shop or even the mall.

          Being in charge, you can build your business around your schedule. You have the opportunity to build up your business at your own pace and schedule. There is noboss telling you when you have to get your work done. However, whether your business will be success or not, it all depended on your hard work.

          In conclusion, working for yourself is more risky than working for a big company. However it is more fun than working for someone else. Starting your own business is a great idea for people who are independent thinkers and like to rely on themselves.

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